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We all start


Starting Point is a 4-week course designed with you specifically in mind. Whether you've been following Jesus for a long time or you are just getting into your relationship with God, we encourage you to take this course! This course is all about the beliefs, background, and inner workings of our church and also about helping you discover your purpose. This class is for everyone!


when is starting point?

Starting Point courses take place on Sunday mornings during the 9:00AM service. Feel free to head inside, drop your kids off in HAC Kids, grab a hot cup of coffee, and join us in the upstairs classrooms!


Click below to see when the next semester is beginning and get signed up! 


You are an important part of God’s plan! We lovingly encourage our people that if they aren't growing or being transformed by Jesus through this particular house of worship, it may be best for them to find a different church, and we will HELP them do that!


We love YOU and care for your spiritual health. If this isn't the right church for you, we want you to find out now!


Starting Point not only gives you an inside look at what our church practices and believes, it also offers opportunities for you to join Dream Teams and Connect Groups. We want you to know everything about Hope Anthem before you dive deeper with us. Transparency is one of our core values here!

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